
Count it up! Multi-syllabic words

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  • interplanetary
    in ter plan e tar y 6. If we flew to Venus we'd be on an interplanetary mission.
  • alphabet
    al pha bet 3. In English, we have 26 letters in the alphabet.
  • semicircular
    se mi cir cu lar 5. This is a describing word for how to describe something that is a semicircle.
  • accuse
    a ccuse 2. Don't accuse me about something I didn't do.
  • discriminate
    dis crim in ate 4. Don't discriminate based on how someone looks.
  • circle
    cir cle 2. A circle is a simple shape.
  • hopelessness
    hope less ness 3. It's not hopelessness, it's defeat over here.
  • continuation
    con tin u a tion 5 The second movie is a continuation of the first story.
  • accusingly
    a ccu sing ly 4. He looked at me accusingly, like I did something wrong.
  • planetarium
    plan e tar i um 5. We can go to the planetarium to learn about planets.
  • friendliness
    friend li ness 3 She showed friendliness and seemed to want to play together
  • accusation
    a ccu sa tion 4. Someone made a serious accusation.
  • continuing
    con tin u ing. 4. We will be continuing to read the chapter today.
  • continuously
    con tin u ous ly 5. I am continuously impressed by you.
  • alphabetization
    al pha be tiz a tion 6. She is working on alphabetization of the books today.
  • hopeless
    hope less 2. It might feel hopeless, but please have hope and courage.
  • alphabetize
    al pha be tize 4. Let's alphabetize the Fortnite characters.
  • nonexistent
    non ex is tent 4. Star Wars Episode 10 is nonexistent, at least so far.
  • planet
    plan et 2. We live on the greenest planet.
  • discrimination
    dis crim in a tion 5. There is discrimination happening based on skin colour, disability, and lots more.
  • continue
    con tin ue 3. Please continue to play basketball.
  • semicircle
    se mi cir cle 4. A semicircle is half a circle, or half its circumference.
  • exist
    ex ist 2. You exist if you are alive.