
S_or_s and _xerci_e

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  • Fun (providing enjoyment, entertainment, or amusement)
  • Cheap
    Group B
  • Difficult
  • Why do yo play sports? (fit)
    I play sports because it keeps me fit and it's good for my health.
  • I can learn how to work in a team.
    Tôi có thể học cách làm việc theo nhóm.
  • I will read 4 words and say them aloud. After each word, you say whether it is from Group A or Group B
    Let's start.
  • Practice saying this tongue twister with your friend. First, say it slowly and then try to speed up.
    I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop
  • effective (hiệu quả)
  • Expensive (đắt)
  • healthy (khỏe mạnh)
  • chips
    Group B
  • Busy (bận)
  • It's good for my health.
    Nó tốt cho sức khỏe của tôi.
  • sheep
    Group A
  • Chore
    Group B
  • It keeps me fit.
    Tôi ở trong một hình dạng tốt
  • Sports and Exercise
    Learn and practice some different ways to talk about sports and exercise, and language for certainty. Practice sh AND ch
  • Why do you play sports? (effective)
    I play sports to It's an effective way to keep my body strong and healthy.
  • Shore
    Group A
  • ships
    Group A
  • Watch
    Group B
  • Wash
    Group A
  • I can learn how to deal with disagreements.
    Tôi có thể học cách giải quyết những bất đồng.
  • It's an effective way to keep my body strong and healthy.
    Nó hiệu quả để luôn mạnh mẽ và khỏe mạnh
  • Practice saying this tongue twister with your friend. First, say it slowly and then try to speed up.
    She sells seashells by the seashore. 
  • simple (easy to do)