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  • Ms. Blum is late for speech. What is the cause?
    She got held up talking to a teacher/Bathroom/With students
  • Your feet get soggy during recess. What is the cause?
    You forgot to wear your snow/rain boots!
  • You exclude a classmate from a game at recess. What is the effect?
    They don't want to be your friend.
  • You stand on the table in room 17. What is the effect?
    You lose your balance and fall!
  • Ms. Blum didn't have time to go to Starbucks today. What is the cause?
    She woke up late/didn't leave her house on time.
  • I forgot to save my report before shutting my computer off. What is the effect?
    My report is deleted.
  • Ms. Markowitz is feeling super tired today. What is the cause?
    She went to bed late/Didn't drink coffee/Didn't sleep well
  • Everyone ate dinner without you. What is the cause?
    You were late/they were starving
  • You got a bad sunburn. What is the cause?
    You forgot to put on sunscreen.
  • I didn't wash my hands after using the bathroom. What is the cause?
    My germs get everywhere and others get sick
  • The cookies are burnt. What is the cause?
    You left them in the oven for too long!
  • I studied hard for the test. What is the effect?
    I get a good grade!
  • You get a bad grade on your test. What is the cause?
    You did not study
  • I forgot to set my alarm to wake up for school. What is the effect?
    I miss the bus and I am late to school!
  • I forgot to water my plants before I left for vacation. What is the effect?
    My plants wilted/died
  • You have a bad tummy ache. What is the cause?
    You ate too much food/Your food was expired/You are allergic to the food
  • I play baseball in the house with my sister. What is the effect?
    I accidentally break something fragile.
  • You forgot to zip up your backpack. What is the effect?
    Your folders/books fall out.
  • You are late to your friend's birthday party. What is the cause?
    You got stuck in traffic/You didn't know the directions/You are running late.
  • I forgot to bring my snack today. What is the effect?
    I am so hungry!
  • Today is field day but it is raining outside. What is the effect?
    Field day is cancelled