
Speed Debate

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  • Are you in favour of a penalty for leftover foods in restaurants?
  • Students should not be graded on their handwriting.
  • Zoos should be abolished.
  • Is tourism good or bad for the environment?
  • All students should be required to learn a foreign language in middle school.
  • All students should be required to take a cooking class.
  • Solar energy should replace all traditional forms of energy.
  • Are people to blame for global warming?
  • Is there a risk to the environment from overpopulation?
  • It should be mandatory for tourists to bring their own garbage bags.
  • All students should be required to volunteer in the community.
  • We should build more refilling stations to avoid plastic usage.
  • Year round education is better for students.
  • Teachers should be replaced by computers.
  • It is sometimes right for the government to restrict freedom of speech.