
Same, Similar or Different

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  • The main food in Hong Kong is rice. The main food in Japan is rice. The main food in Hong Kong is _________ the one in Japan.
    the same as
  • At dinner, we each had out own plate of the _______ food and we only ate from our own plates.
  • Chinese chopsticks and Korean chopsticks are _______.
  • In Japan, the food is bite size. In Hong Kong, the food is bite size. The way of serving food in Hong Kong is ________ in Japan.
    the same as
  • In the UK, never use a knife to put food in your mouth. That is _______ Hong Kong.
    similar to
  • Chinese chopsticks are _______ Korean chopsticks.
    similar to
  • Every place in the world has ________ people and _________ customs.
    different, different
  • In Hong Kong, people boil rice. In Japan, people boil rice. The cooking methods in Hong Kong are __________ the ones in Japan.
    similar to
  • In Japan, the food is bite size. In Hong Kong, the food is bite size. The way of serving food in Hong Kong and Japan is ______.
    the same
  • The main food in Hong Kong is rice. The main food in Japan is rice. The main foods in Hong Kong and Japan are _______ .
    the same
  • In Japan, people mainly use chopsticks to eat. It is _________ China.
    the same as
  • The eating utensils people use in China are ______ the ones people use in the UK.
    different from
  • In Hong Kong, people use chopsticks. In the UK people use a knife and fork. The utensils people use in Hong Kong and Japan are _________.
  • Japanese dining tables are _________ the ones in Korea.
    the same as
  • Kimbap in Korea is _______ sushi rolls in Japan.
    similar to
  • In Hong Kong, people use chopsticks. In the UK people use a knife and fork. The utensils people use in Hong Kong are _________ the ones in the UK.
    different from
  • In Hong Kong, people boil rice. In Japan, people boil rice. The cooking methods in Hong Kong and Japan are _______.