
Cell organelles

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  • What is the rigid layer of material that surrounds and protects a plant cell called?
    cell wall
  • this organelle packages protein to be shipped from the cell
    Golgi apparatus
  • this organelle turns stored sugar into energy through a process called cellular respiration
  • this organelle transports material through the cell and has ribosomes attached to it
    endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER)
  • This cell structure directs all the cells activities.
  • a thin, semi-permeable layer that surrounds the cell and lets materials pass in and out of the cell
    cell membrane
  • this is a membrane that surrounds the nucleus
    nuclear membrance
  • What makes proteins?
  • What structure in plant cell captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food.
  • These are tiny structures that carry out a specific job in a cell.
  • Which cell organelle allows items to be transported within the cell? hint: jelly-like
  • this organelle packages protein to be shipped from the cell
    Golgi apparatus
  • this is an organelle that is found inside the nucleus
  • Which two cell parts are found only in plant cells?
    Chloroplasts and cell wall