
Order and delivery

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  • How can you track the shipment?
    Your answer!
  • How can you guarantee that the product will be delivered safely to someone's place?
    Your answer
  • Translate the following words: enquire, goods, out of stock, supplier
    запрашивать, товары, нет в наличии, поставщик
  • Who usually quotes the prices for the goods? How do you think they come to the final price?
    Your opinion!
  • Put the following actions from the longest to the shortest one: placing the order, processing the order, shipping the order?
    Your answer!
  • When we have anough products in our warehouse, it means they are ________
    in stock
  • Translate the following sentence into English: Ожидаемая дата поставки — в следующем месяце.
    The expected delivery date is next month.
  • How can you check if the product is in demand?
    Your options!
  • Let's read the joke about delivery.