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  • the best method to diagnosed urinary tract infection is to do?
    Urine Culture
  • It is mostly caused by mixed infections and not just single organism.
    STI (sexually Transmitted Infection)
  • They Grow in ___________ NaCI and are more resistant penicillin G.
  • The treatment modality is known as
    HAART(highly active anti-retroviral treatment)
  • Commonly seen in secondary syphilis,gonnorhea and candidiasis
  • the main mode transmission is trough oral secretion and sexual contact
    Genital Herpes
  • The most commonly employed method of diagnosis is
  • ______Voided mid-stream technique
  • It is commonly seen in jails and sexually-active individual
    Pediculosis Pubis (Public Lice or crabs)
  • It is the inflammation of the urinary bladder
  • State the full name of five reporters.
  • It is caused by RNA virus under the family of retroviruses called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
    AIDS(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
  • The most common caused of clinical Pyelonephritis
    Ascending Infection
  • Guess the Future full name of our Adviser Including (First, Middle and last name)
  • The most common route is by?
    Ascending Infection
  • Recognize common manifestation of
    urinary tract infection
  • the___________ said the most important aspect of prevention is education of the public on STI.
    WHO(World health Organization)
  • It is common colonizer of the urinary tract
    Staphylococcus saprophyticus
  • a thick, cheesy exudates.
    Candida albicans 
  • It is the most common STI worldwide followed by syphilis
  • Urinary Tract is common________, However , it is the most common among women