
Mind + Body

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  • What is the first word you think of when you see this image?
    That's a good word!
  • Mindful touching: What does this food feel like?
    rough, hard
  • Mindful tasting; What does this food taste like?
    salty, sour
  • What is one kind thing you can do for someone else today?
    You are so thoughtful!
  • Calming skill; Do two elevator breaths.
    elevator breath
  • Do fiddle fingers for 15 seconds.
    fiddle fingers
  • What does the guard dog do in our brain?
    It protects us - Amygdala
  • Close your eyes and count to 20...
    Do you feel relaxed?
  • Think of this sound, how does it make you feel?
  • Mindful smelling; What does this fruit smell like?
    sweet, tropical
  • Calming skill; Do two rainbow breaths.
    Inhale / Exhale
  • What does our body feel like when we are angry?
    face red, hot, fists, steam out of ears
  • Mindful listening; What sound does this food make when you eat it?:
    crunchy, crispy
  • What part of our brain helps us to make wise decisions?
    Wise owl, Prefrontal Cortex
  • Try this pose for 15 seconds.
    Seated twist pose - Twist & Shout!
  • What part of the brain helps us remember things?
    Elephant - Hippocampus
  • What are you grateful for today?
    That's a great answer!