
McGraw Science Unit B, Chapter 3 & 4 Review

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  • Why is it not a good idea to put two plants in the same, small pot?
    The two plants would have to compete for the same resources to survive.
  • What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
    A food web follows one line of energy, while a food web is a group of connected food chains.
  • You find an ocean fossil in park. What does this tell you?
    The fossil shows that the park was underwater in the past.
  • How is camouflage different from mimicry?
    Camouflage is hiding. Mimicry is when one living thing imitates another.
  • Name two ways an organism’s appearance can protect it.
    An organism can use camouflage to hide or mimicry to seem more frightening.
  • True or False: A flood is when it doesn't rain for a long time.
  • True or False: a species goes extinct when no more of an organisms kind are left alive
  • What does "hibernate" mean?
    to go into a deep sleep in order to preserve energy
  • What does "population" mean?
    all the members of one type of organism in an ecosystem
  • What does "community" mean?"
    all the populations in an ecosystem
  • What is an invasive species?
    An organism that goes to another place and competes for resources.
  • Give an example of an adaptation in plants.
  • What can an organsim do if an environment changes?
    Animals can either adapt to their environment, leave their environment, or go extinct.
  • How did the saber-tooth cat die?
    The climate got cold too quickly for it to adapt.
  • Give an example of an adaptation in animals.
  • You are taking care of a desert plant and a forest plant. How and why are their needs different?
    They both need different amounts of water. Desert plants are adapted to a dry climate, while forest plants require more water.