
8th Grade ELA Terms3.7 (6 reviews)

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  • mood
    what the reader feels
  • analogies
    the types of relationships between pairs of words: Example: NEAR is to DISTANT as HIDDEN is to EXPOSED
  • Suspense
    a state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen.
  • infer/inference
    to make an educated guessusing prior knowledge andtextual evidence
  • cause
    an event that leads something else to happen
  • summary (non-fiction)
    a brief statement of the main idea and details
  • idiom
    a common expression where the figurative meaning is different than literal expression
  • figurative word meanings
    words or phrases that expresses ideas in creative, unusual, or unexpected ways
  • symbol
    something that stands for or represents something else
  • pun
    a play on words
  • metaphor
    comparison withoutusing like or as
  • root
    a word part that contains the core meaning of the word: Ex. the root "form" means "shape, form"
  • simile
    comparisonusing like or as
  • biography
    a story of a person's life written by someone else
  • foreshadow
    the use of clues tosuggest events that willhappen later in the plot
  • allusion
    a reference to something literary, mythological, or historical that the author assumes the reader will recognize
  • narrator
    the person who istelling the story, thespeaker
  • origin
    a beginning
  • third person omniscient point of view
    told by an all-knowingnarrator from outside thestory who reveals what everycharacter thinks and feels
  • phrase
    a group of words that may contain a subject or a verb or neither; never will contain both
  • drawing conclusion
    will ask you what you can conclude about something meaning to decide
  • sensory language
    words that appeal to your senses (sounds, sights, tastes, touch, smells)
  • opinion
    a statement that cannot be proven
  • verbal irony
    the use of words to express something that is the opposite to the literal meaning
  • denotation
    the dictionary definition of the word
  • antagonist
    the person or thing that the main character struggles with
  • point of view
    the perspective from which a story is told
  • summary (fiction)
    a brief statement of the main events of a story
  • chronological/order
    a structure that tells about events in a time order or steps
  • informational/explanatory writing
    writing that gives information or explains a topic
  • fact
    a true statement that can be proven
  • convey
    to communicate or express
  • author's purpose
    the reason the author hasfor writing (persuade,inform, entertain)
  • message
    what the author wants you to know
  • conflict
    a struggle between opposing forces
  • problem
    the conflict in the story
  • genre
    a division or type ofliterature (categoriesfor books)
  • onomatopoiea
    the use of wordsto imitate sound
  • category
    a collection of things or ideas that have characteristics in common
  • theme
    the message, lesson, or moral of the story
  • interaction
    the direct effects the factors had on one another
  • character
    the people, animals, or objects that are in the story (only talking animals and objects)
  • effect
    what happens after an event
  • chonological/sequential
    when something is written in time order
  • hyperbole
    extreme exaggeration
  • personification
    giving humanqualities tonon-human things
  • connotation
    the feelings words evoke
  • solution
    how the problem is solved
  • protagonist
    the main character
  • rhyme
    the repetition of sounds at the end of words
  • setting
    when and where the story takes place
  • problem and solution text structure
    a structure that details a problem and a proposed solution
  • dialogue
    a conversation between characters
  • context clues
    clues in surrounding text thathelp the reader determine themeaning of an unknown word
  • tone
    what the author feels
  • affix
    a word part added to a root. These can be prefixes or suffixes. Ex: the prefix "re-" means "again, anew". The suffix "-able, ible" means "capable of,...
  • text structure
    how the author organized the selection
  • technical word meanings
    subject specific or scientific meanings
  • third person limited point of view
    the narrator focuses onthe thoughts and feelingsof only one character
  • imagery
    description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)
  • express
    to show something
  • alliteration
    the repetition ofconsonant sounds atthe beginning of words
  • clause
    a group of words that contains both a subject (noun) and a predicate (verb)
  • first person point of view
    uses pronouns I, me, and my. The character it is about is the person telling the story.
  • character traits
    words or phrases that describe the character
  • central idea
    what a piece of text is mostly about; the main focus of the text
  • figures of speech
    expressions that suggest ideas and feelings beyond the actual meanings of words
  • compare and contrast
    telling the differences and likenesses of something
  • dramatic irony
    when a reader is aware of something that a character isn't