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  • The kid has ............. toys. I don't think it's necessary.
    too many
  • Do you have ....... people to help you? I can come and help if you don't.
  • I haven’t got ______ money for shopping.
  • Make a sentence by using "too much".
  • There are ......... children at the party. We need to buy more food and drinks.
    too many
  • There is ........... noise in the room. I'm going to leave.
    too much
  • I think we don't do ......... to protect the endangered animals.
  • I'm very tired. I've got ____________ work to do.
    too much
  • You would have toothache if you eat ______________ ice cream.
    too much
  • You don't need to go to the supermarket. We have .......... eggs to make an omelette..
  • I have got ....... time to finish my project. Don't worry!
  • Don't need to buy. There are _______ cakes for everyone.
    too many/ enough
  • There aren’t _____chairs for everyone.
  • I have watched .......... television today! I need to start working.
    too much
  • Make a sentence by using "enough".
  • You shouldn’t eat _____________ salty food because it’s bad for your health.
    too much
  • We can’t walk in the street. There are _________ people.
    too many
  • You put ...... salt in your food! It's not healthy.
    too much
  • We don't have .......... milk to make a cake.
  • Sandy spends ......... hours on the Internet. It's not good for her health.
    too many
  • Don’t cook. There is _______ beef for everyone.
    too much/ enough
  • This is .......... stress for me. I can't handle it.
    too much
  • You drink ......... coffee. That's not good for you.
    too much
  • My mom has ............ money to buy a new house.
  • My brother broke his bag. He put ............ books in it.
    too many
  • You don't eat .......... fruit. You should eat some more.
  • Make a sentence by using "too many".
  • There wasn't ........ food at lunchtime. So I feel hungry now.
  • There are __________ books and I can't decide. Could you give me some suggestions?
    too many