
Guess the Country

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  •  Portuguese is spoken in this country  The footballer Ronaldinho was born there  Samba music was first played there  Five football world cups have been won by this country  The world’s most famous carnival is held there every year
  • Leonardo DaVinci was born there  Latin was first spoken there  The Roman Empire was founded there  Ferraris are manufactured there  Gucci clothes are designed there  Opera was first performed there  Espresso, café latte and cappuccin
  •  The 2008 Olympics were held there  The idea for pasta was taken from there to Italy (by Marco Polo)  Tea was first drunk there  Dairy products are traditionally not eaten there  IBM brand PCs are now produced by a company from there (
  • This country was named after Christopher Columbus.  Lots of cocaine is smuggled out of this country
  •  A lot of maple syrup is exported from there  English and French are spoken there  Cirque de Soleil was founded in this country
  •  The 2004 Olympics were held there  In this country, barbeques are often held on the beach  English is spoken in this country  This country was settled by criminals from England
  •  Spanish is spoken there  This country was led by Fidel Castro for many years  Bacardi (white rum) was first produced there  Salsa music was first played here
  • Beer was invented there  Cats were worshipped there (= They thought cats were gods)  This country was ruled by kings called “pharaohs”
  •  The toy company Lego is based there  Carlsberg beer is brewed there  The Little Mermaid was written by a writer from there (called Hans Christian Andersen)
  •  Buddhism was started there  Lots of spices are added to food there  Assam tea is grown there  Darjeeling tea is grown there  Chess was first played there  The most films (= movies) of any country are produced there
  •  Arnold Schwarzenegger was born there  Sacher Torte (chocolate cake) was first eaten there  The croissant was invented there  Adolf Hitler was born in this country  German is spoken in there
  •  The motorcar was invented there  The hamburger was named after a city there  The frankfurter was named after a city there  Poodles were first bred there  Lots of sausages are eaten there  Lots of sauerkraut (= picked cabbage) is eate
  • The Nobel prizes were started there  Volvo cars and trucks were first made there  The four members of Abba were born there  A smorgasbord (buffet style breakfast) is often provided in hotels in this country
  •  The saxophone was invented by someone from there (called Adolph Sax)  Many types are famous and expensive chocolates (e.g. Godiva) are exported from there  French and Flemish (= Dutch) are spoken there  Many books were written about a
  •  Coffee was first drunk there  Yergacheffe coffee is grown there  The ex-Emperor of this country is worshipped by Rastafarians (= Rastas, the religion of Bob Marley and other people associated with reggae music
  •  The most famous sparkling wine is made there  The first gothic cathedral was constructed (= built) there  Frogs’ legs are eaten there  Snails are eaten there  Horse is eaten there  Perrier (and Evian) mineral water is bottled there 
  •  The 2012 Olympics will be held there  The Titanic was built and launched from there  Tesco’s supermarkets were set up there  Gin was first drunk there  David Beckham was born there  Punk music was first played there  Corgis were fir
    The United Kingdom
  • Read out clues about one of the countries below until your partner guesses which country you are talking about. Start with the most difficult ones to guess from.
    Good luck!!!
  •  The first Olympic games were held there (thousands of years ago)  Black olives are often eaten there  Pita bread is often eaten there  A lot of feta cheese (= soft goats’ milk cheese) is produced there.  The language of this country i
  •  A lot of meat is eaten there  Cans of corned beef are usually imported from there  Spanish is spoken there  Penguins are often seen in the south of this country  Cowboys called gauchos can still be seen there  This country was named
  •  Ricoh photocopiers are made there  Conveyor belt sushi restaurants were invented there  Raw horse meat is eaten there  A lot of raw fish is eaten there  Asahi beer is brewed (= made) there  Yakult yoghurt was first made there  Godzi