
Grandpa's Garden

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  • Why does Miley run to the house?
    Miley runs to the house to bring some water.
  • Do they like their grandma's cookies?
    Yes,they do.
  • Do the non-living things breathe?
    No,they don't.
  • How do Miley and Ashley love spending their time?
    Miley and Ashley love spending time looking at nature.
  • What are the other living things in grandpa's garden?
    Chickens and worms.
  • Do the living things need to eat?
    Yes,they do.
  • What does grandma give them?
    She gives them cookies.
  • What do they put in the soil?
    They put the seed in the soil.
  • What is the second step to plant a tree?
    Second, they water it.
  • What do the living things do?
    All living things grow, breathe, move, and eat.
  • Where is their favorite place in the whole world?
    Grandpa's garden is their favorite place in the whole world!
  • What materials are there in the bucket?
    There are some seeds and tools in it.
  • Where are they going in the story?
    They are going to their grandpa's garden.
  • What is the first step to plant a tree?
    First, they use the spade to dig the soil.
  • What do they do during the journey?
    They look through the car window during the journey.
  • Are the plants and fruit trees in the garden living things or non-living things?
    They are living things.