
Open Up 4th - Starter (months feelings) + Unit 1 ...

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  • Me siento agradecida/o.
    I'm feeling grateful.
  • Ella no va mai a la biblioteca. .
    She never goes to the library.
  • Perdone,  hi ha una oficina de correus propet d'açí? Sí.
    Excuse me, is there a post office near here? Yes, there is.
  • Ella sempre escriu una historia.
    She always writes a story.
  • Yo a veces pillo un libro prestado de la biblioteca los viernes.
    I sometimes borrow a book from the library on Fridays.
  • ¿Dónde está la librería, por favor? Está por allí. Está detrás de la cafeteria.
    Where's the book shop, please? It's over there. It's behind the café.
  • When's New Year's Eve?
    It's the 31st of December.
  • What date is Halloween?
    It's on the 31st of October.
  • Él no visita el museo.
    He doesn't visit the museum.
  • Me siento emocionada/o.
    I'm feeling excited.
  • When's New Year's day?
    It's January 1st.
  • Me siento reñegón/a.
    I'm feeling grumpy.
  • ¿Cómo de amenudo vas a la piscina? Translate into English.
    How often do you go to the swimming pool?
  • What's the date today? It's....
    It's (Thursday 19th September 20..)
  • Jo sempre vaig al supermercat els dissabtes.
    I always go to the supermarket on Saturday.
  • Me siento sorprendido/a.
    I'm feeling surprised.
  • When's Christmas Day?
    It's on the 25th of December.
  • When is Christmas' Eve?
    It's on the 24th of December.
  • Me siento cómoda/o.
    I'm feeling comfortable.
  • What's the date tomorrow?
    It's .......(remember to write in capital letter the day of the week and the month)!
  • Ella de vegades posa alguna cosa en la cesta.
    She sometimes puts something in the basket.
  • Jo sempre em trobe amics en el museu.
    I always meet friends at the museum.
  • Jo compre menjar en el supermercat.
    I buy food in the supermarket.
  • Me siento curiosa/o.
    I'm feeling curious.
  • Nosaltres anem de vegades al cine els caps de setmana.
    We sometimes go to the cinema at the weekends.
  • Hay un parque de monopatín al lado de mi casa.
    There is a skate park next to my home/house.
  • Me siento decepcionado/a.
    I'm feeling disappointed.