
Past Continuous, Past Simple

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  • At 6.15 a.m., when you phoned, I ................. (have) a shower.
    was having
  • ..................(you , come) by bus or by train?
    did you come
  • I .............(lose) my car keys again yesterday.
  • Alan ................ (meet) Helen while he was travelling in Morocco.
  • How fast ............(you drive) when the police caught you?
    were you driving
  • I don't know waht I ................ (do ) at 6 on February 20th.
    was doing
  • While I was walking down the street, I .......... (see) Bill.
  • Sue ......... (live) in France when her uncle died.
    was living
  • Waht time, get) up on Saturday?
    did you get
  • At 10.30 Fred and Alice .................(play) cards.
    were playing
  • The police ............... (stop) me while I was driving home.
  • While I ................ (shop), somebody was stealing my car.
    was shopping
  • Where ..............(your friends, go) on holiday last summer?
    did your friends go
  • Galileo .................(discover) the moons of Jupiter.
  • Alfred Nobel................(not, write) Hamlet.
    didn't write
  • We ............. (watch) Tv all day.
    were watching
  • The cat ............ (jump) on to the table, while I was reading a newspaper.
  • When I looked out of the window it .............. (not, snow) anymore.
    wasn't snowing
  • The doctor .............(not, remember) my name.
    didn't remember
  • Mr Taylor.............. (buy) a new car last year.
  • I woke up at 7 a.,., ......... (get) dressed, ..............(eat) two toasts and ............ (go) to school.
    got, ate, went