
School Counselors' Review

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  • You might experience this when you feel like your should do something just because others around you are doing it, but you still know it might be wrong.
    Peer Pressure
  • Being organized with your own things is just one example of being...
  • Things that a person is naturally (or by lots of practice) good at doing are called personal__________________.
  • We practiced expressing our emotions and feeling calm by doing this art activity.
    Watercolor painting.
  • Is going to college a short term or long term goal for elementary students?
    long term goal
  • Things we want to accomplish in life are called:
  • Cleaning your room is a good way to be responsible where?
    at home
  • Test anxiety is when you feel really __________________ any time you have to take a test.
    nervous or worried
  • Going to your aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner every year is an example of a family __________________.
  • What character trait means working hard and not giving up?
  • Exploring your skills and interests now can help give you ideas for future______________________.
  • Deep breathing is a way to help yourself feel...
    calm or relaxed
  • School Counselors often talk to students about their ____________________.
  • We can create a better school and community when we are _____________ to others every day.
  • If I say I can "walk in someone else's shoes" it means I have...
  • Is "I can't do this YET" something we say with a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?
    growth mindset
  • Feeling and showing appreciation (or thankfulness) for what you have or what someone has done for you means you have an attitude of ___________________.
  • Our family traditions, language, clothing styles, homes, and daily practices all make up our_____________________.
  • Having integrity means people can count on you and you are ___________________.
    trustworthy or honest
  • You can express emotions, relax, or tell about events in your life by writing in a __________________.
  • Name at least one high school career class that was represented at Jouett's Career Day.
    Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, or Cyber Security
  • Celebrating diversity means we recognize and respect peoples' ___________________.