
P4 (T3-6) Random Quiz

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  • What is a Super Swap for the word 'asked'?
  • What is the meaning of the word 'snapping'?
    Move quickly
  • Sabotage the other team to do the Chicken dance. Steal 35 points if they refuse!
  • What does AER stand for?
    Action, Emotion, Reaction
  • Sly Deal! Steal 50 points from the opponent team!
    - 50 points
  • Test your luck! Press "Check" to either get 150 points, or lose all your points! (you may use Just Say No card to avoid losing points)
    +150 points!
  • Recite the entire Slow Motion for Falling and get 50 points!
  • Test your luck! Press "Check" to either get 150 points, or lose all your points! (you may use Just Say No card to avoid losing points)
    Lose all points!
  • Skip a turn! You cannot answer the next question.
  • Give any two WOWFATB for Shock!
    I felt like the man from the popular artwork by Munch called 'The Scream'. / I stood blinking in disbelief.
  • What is another phrase that means "to make a bad situation worse"?
    To add insult to injury
  • Just Say No! Use this card when you choose a less than ideal option at the next turn.
  • Give two Super Swap for the word "said"!
    told, replied, exclaimed
  • Do the Floss and earn 30 points!
    +30 points!
  • Fill in the blanks: The ____ child d____ the fire.
    burnt, dreads
  • Give an Outdoor description! Hint: It has something to do with a big, ball of fire.
    The sun shone brilliantly in the clear cerulean sky. Birds chirped merrily in the trees.
  • Fill in the blanks to this Trigger: While the tug of war in my head continued its _________ duel, my mind d_______ to my mother and her words e_______ in my head, “_________________,”
    merciless, drifted, echoed
  • Create a sentence with the word 'tongue-lashing'!
    My mother gave me a tongue-lashing for breaking the vase.
  • Give any two WOWFATB for Pain!
    Engulfed in great agony, / I squired around in pain.
  • Give any two WOWFATB for Angry!
    Angry thoughts clouded my mind. / My whole body was shaking like a vibrating phone.
  • What is another phrase that has the same meaning as "began to run'?
    Took to my heels