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  • Your new car is more expensive than my car. (Rewrite with cheap)
    My car is cheaper than your car.
  • Which is stronger, a plastic car or a golden car?
  • Volcanoes / dangerous / as / thunderstorms.
    Volcanoes are as dangerous as thunderstorms.
  • Fred looks taller than Amy. (Rewrite with as)
    Amy doesn't look as tall as Fred.
  • Reading / is / boring / as / a book / watching / as / a documentary. /
    Reading a book is as boring as watching a documentary.
  • Going by / is / plane / than / faster / bus. / by / going /
    Going by plane is faster than going by bus.
  • Drawing / easy / than / writing.
    Drawing is more easier than writing.
  • Find a mistake: Soccer is as more popular as basketball in my country.
    remove: more 
  • My dad's wedding ring is made of __________ (leather/plastic/wood/silver).
  • Cars are made of _________ (gold/silver/metal/cotton) and it is strong enough to hold people..
  • India is ___________ (populated) China. It has the same population: 4 billion people.
    as populated as
  • Find a mistake: Today is as hotter as yesterday. It has the same degrees: 40 degree C!
    hotter -> hot
  • Which is more interesting, watching Doraemon or reading Conan?
  • My ________ (plastic/gold/cotton/leather) bags and purses are made of tigers' skin.
  • Maths / difficult / than / English.
    Math is more difficult than English.
  • The restaurant is ________ (expensive) a five-star hotel. It has the same cost: 500 dollars for one night!
    as expensive as
  • A whale is __________ (heavy) an airplane. It has the same weight: 5 tons.
    as heavy has
  • _________ (plastic/wood/silver/wool) is used to make things in our house, like chairs, tables and bed.
  • fries / Eating / as / isn't / eating / healthy / as / vegetables. / and fruits /
    Eating fries isn't as healthy as eating vegetables and fruit.
  • Find a mistake: Climbing a mountain is as more challenging than hiking.
    remove: as
  • Cheese burger / delicious / as / spaghetti.
    Cheese burger is as delicious as spaghetti.
  • Which is more expensive, gold or silver?
  • Which is funnier, Mr Bean or Home Alone?