
Emotion/Body Recognition: Happy

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  • Expected or Unexpected: Stay seated and still while teacher is talking.
  • Name two things that make you happy!
    Completing work, being in groups with friends, having a good day at school
  • Expected or Unexpected: Using kind words towards others
  • Expected or Unexpected: Following directions
  • Expected or Unexpected: Asking to use the restroom more than 1 time during class.
  • There are three things you have to do when listening. What are they?
    Look, Stay still, and Think
  • Expected or Unexpected: Taking a break without asking an adult
  • Expected or Unexpected: Using mean words towards others, even if I do not mean it
  • Name 3 coping skills to use when upset.
    Deep breaths, Focus on what's important, Talk to someone you trust
  • You think someone's haircut looks terrible. Think it or Say it?
    Think it.
  • When someone says, "Hi" I should say..
  • Name something you can say instead of, "I don't know."
    "Let me think about it", Can you help?
  • When I feel happy my body feels......
    Mind is clear, warm, ready to learn, Calm, relaxed, still
  • Yes or No: When I am happy thinking positive thoughts helps me stay happy
    No right or wrong answer here :)
  • How does your face look when you are happy?
    Smile, smiling eyes, relaxed face
  • Expected or Unexpected: When the teacher is talking we talk to our neighbor.
  • Expected or Unexpected: Get up and walk around
  • What is something that makes you happy?
    I was nice to someone or someone was nice to me
  • Expected or Unexpected: Distracting others