
Robin Hood Trivia

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  • Who wins the Golden Arrow at the archery competition?
    Robin Hood
  • What kind of relationship is there between Prince John and King Richard?
    They are brothers
  • Robin Hood robbed the rich to give to the....
  • In the Disney film, what animal is Robin Hood?
    A fox
  • Name one actor who played Robin Hood on film.
    Errol Flynn, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Taron Egerton...
  • What is Robin Hood real name: Locksley, Priestley or Hurley?
  • What colour does Robin and his men traditionally wear?
  • Was Robin Hood a real historical character?
    No, there is not any historical evidence
  • What's the name of Robin Hood's true love
    Lady Marian
  • What country is Robin Hood from?
  • Litlle John, one of Robin's friends, was unusually...
  • What's the name of Robin's famous forest?
    Sherwood Forest
  • What was the name of Robin's group of friends: Robin's Men, The Merry Men or the Happy Men?
    The Merry Men
  • Where is King Richard during the story of Robin Hood?
    In the Crusades /Jerusalem
  • Robin Hood's enemy was....
    The Sheriff of Nottingham
  • Robin Hood is very good with what weapon?
    Bow and arrows