
G10 U12

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  • This small furry animal is often kept as a pet and is known for its gentle and sociable nature.
    Guinea pig
  • This term refers to the act of turning off a device or appliance.
    Turn off
  • These flying insects are often admired for their beauty and are known for their role in pollination.
  • These flying insects are known for their role in pollination and can be found in large groups.
  • This furry animal is often kept as a pet and is known for its independence and affectionate nature.
  • It's a natural body of water that's larger than a lake and contains saltwater.
  • This small bird is often kept as a pet and is known for its beautiful singing voice.
  • These eight-legged creatures are often feared and can spin webs to catch their prey.
  • This term refers to the process of cutting down trees in a forest for commercial or personal use.
    Cut down
  • This term refers to the act of using something until there is none left.
    Using up
  • This term refers to the process of a body of water losing its water due to evaporation or human use.
    Dried up
  • This furry animal is often kept as a pet and is known for its loyalty and playful nature.
  • These small creatures with shells are often kept as pets and can move slowly on both land and water.
  • This term refers to a situation where there is a limited amount of something remaining.
    Running out of
  • This reptile is often feared and can be venomous.
  • This small furry animal is often kept as a pet and is known for its love of running on wheels.
  • These flying insects are often considered a nuisance and are known for their ability to carry diseases.
  • This term refers to a situation where the quantity or level of something is decreasing.
    Going down
  • These small insects are known for their ability to work together in large colonies.
  • This small mammal is often kept as a pet and is known for its fast and agile movements.
  • This type of forest has a high level of rainfall and is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species.
  • This small fish is often kept as a pet and is known for its shiny, gold-colored scales.
  • This term is often used as a response to a difficult situation and means to accept and manage it.
    Deal with it
  • This body of water flows in a single direction and can vary in size from a small stream.