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  • Would you rather have an entire university course taught by Siri, or be forced to learn everything by reading outdated textbooks from the 1800s?
  • Would you rather have an AI tutor who could answer any question instantly, or a human tutor who is slower but would bring you snacks and make you laugh while studying?
  • Would you rather attend a school where all assignments and tests were graded by AI, or one where you had to explain your work to a trained chimpanzee?
  • Would you rather have an AI-powered grading system that gives objective and consistent feedback or a traditional grading system that allows for more subjective interpretation and personalization?
  • As a university student, Would you rather trust AI grading systems to assess and evaluate your work or have a human professor grade it?
  • Would you rather have a highly advanced AI system teach all of your courses or be taught by human professors, even if they are not as efficient or accurate?
  • Would you rather attend a school where all the buildings were robots that would rearrange themselves randomly every day, or a school where all the professors were holograms that could disappear mid-lecture?
  • As a student, Would you rather learn from personalized AI-generated lesson plans or stick to a traditional curriculum taught by a human teacher?