
5th Grade Science Review

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  • At risk of dying out.
  • Characteristics or attributes.
  • A resource that CANNOT be made again by nature.
    nonrenewable resource
  • A sequence of living things in which each one feeds on the living thing below it.
    food chain
  • The cycle of the water evaporating and condensing on earth. It has been happening for millions of years.
    water cycle
  • Name a common gas.
    (answers vary)
  • The action of the earth turning or spinning around its center. If you stand in one place and turn all the way around, you have rotated. The earth rotates (spins) once every 24 hours.
    earth's rotation
  • Water that falls to the ground. Comes in 3 main forms: rain, snow, and hail.
    water cycle
  • Name a common solid.
    (answers vary)
  • Water in gas form.
    water vapor
  • Name a renewable resource.
    (answers vary)
  • What happens when two or more substances are combined?
    a new kind of matter is formed
  • When a liquid turns into a gas.
  • Provide living things with energy and building blocks to grow.
  • A living thing that helps break down dead and decaying matter.
  • A food web is a model made of intersecting food chains.
    food web
  • Tiny droplets of condensed water vapor floating high above the ground.
  • Living things that break down dead and decaying organisms. The most common decomposers are bacteria and fungi.
  • Pumps blood throughout the body providing it with oxygen and removing waste.
    circulatory system
  • A living thing (almost always a plant) that takes energy from the sun and make its own food. They are found in the first level of a food web.
  • A living thing that is no longer found alive anywhere on Earth today.
  • A property of matter that measures how close together the particles are inside a substance. This can determine things like if something will float or sink.
  • Tiny living things that are everywhere around us. We can only see them with a very powerful microscope. They come in different shapes such as rods, spirals, and spheres. Bacteria are important in an ecosystem to break down dead and decaying
  • Name a nonrenewable resource.
    (answers vary)
  • True or False: All energy sources are UNLIMITED.
  • The number of times your heart beats each minute.
    heart rate
  • Anything that has weight and takes up space.
  • A resource that CAN be made again by nature.
    renewable resource
  • Name a common liquid.
    (answers vary)