
Tag Questions

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  • Sarah will come at seven,
    won´t she?
  • It was hot yesterday,
    wasn´t it?
  • The employees are working tomorrow,
    aren´t they?
  • Mary and Joe went to the party last night,
    didn´t they?
  • The kids play soccer on Sundays,
    don´t they?
  • They didn't go out last Sunday,
    did they?
  • She's a nursing student,
    isn´t she?
  • We aren't late,
    are we?
  • She didn't eat all the cake,
    did she?
  • She wasn't at home yesterday,
    was she?
  • Johan isn´t from Germany,
    is he?
  • We were waiting at the bus stop,
    weren´t we?
  • She doesn't have any children,
    does she?
  • They live in Paris,
    don´t they?
  • He can help,
    can´t he?
  • She plays the piano on Tuesdays,
    doesn´t she?