
Pine Ridge school

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  • Is Lily's school - Pine Ridge school - big?
    A) yes B) no
  • How many students are there in Pine Ridge school?
    A) 6 B) 16 C) 60
  • Do students work in groups in the afternoon?
    A) yes B) no
  • What language does Amanda study every morning?
    A) english B) spanish C) swedish
  • Where is Pine Ridge school?
    A) in the UK B) in the USA C) in Australia
  • Does Enzo like the exercise classes?
    A) yes B) no
  • How old is Lily?
    A) 12 B) 13 C) 20
  • What classes does it focus on more?
    A) indoor B) online C) outdoor
  • What does Amanda like about the school?
    A) PE lessons B) music lessons C) the language lessons
  • What do students might do in the afternoon?
    A) go home B) go to rivers, mountains C) study Math