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  • Open the brackets: If I (know) that yesterday, I (not drink) so much.
    If I had known that yesterday, I wouldn't have drunk so much.
  • St. Andrew is a patron saint of ....
  • The British Isles are washed by....
    the Atlantic Ocean, the North sea, the Irish sea, the English Channel
  • What is the national symbol of Wales?
    red dragon
  • Shamrock is a symbol of...
    Northern Ireland
  • Who has written "Cherry garden near the house"
    T. Shevchenko
  • Who is the most famous English writer?
    William Shakespeare
  • If the weather is fine I will play football with my friends - which conditional is that?
  • Name at least 10 sightdeeing places in London
    Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, the Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral...
  • Name 5 Ukrainian rivers
    Dnipro, Danube, Desna, Dnister, Buh
  • Translate: Якщо ти приготуєш обід, то ми матимемо час подивитися новий фільм.
    If you cook lunch we'll have time to watch a new movie.
  • Ukrainian city named like an animal (but not because of animal)
  • Help your opponents to answer the next question
  • What's the symbol of Scotland?
  • The best Ukrainian dish
    borshch or varenyky
  • Favourite English drink
  • Ben Nevis is ...
    a montain
  • Name at least 7 British cities
    London, Manchester, Liverpool, Cardiff, Belfast, Edinburgh, Birmingham
  • Name the person from the opposite team who will answer their next question.
  • Tree-symbol of Ukraine
    snowball-tree, viburnum
  • Only one of your time can answer the next question
  • Name at least three rivers and lakes of the UK
    the Thames, the Severn, the Mersey
  • The highest mountain in Ukraine
  • Where is the UK situated?
    the British Isles