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  • Which National Park you would like to visit?
    Yellowstone National Park. There is a huge, deep canyon with waterfalls.
  • What food is necessary for human skeleton?
    To keep our bones healthy we need dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt
  • Was Leonardo Da vinci smart? and what else?
    He was very intelligent and curious and he learned lots of things by himself
  • What is a national park?
    a national park is a reserve (резерв)of natural land for conservation of wild nature. Endangered species can survive and live hero.
  • Why you admire Leonardo?
    e was a clever man. In his lifetime, he achieved incredible things! I believe this man is the most talented person ever.
  • What do you know about Da vinci Vitruvian man?
    drawing the Vitruvian man shows the perfect proportions of the human body.
  • How the same food can be healthy and unhealthy at the same time?
    tasty salad you should change the recipe by making a dressing from lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil instead of heavy mayonnaise.
  • What Leonardo da Vinci did?
    a brilliant canal system in Florence,a helicopter, a calculator, a parachute and even robots! He studied plants, animals and the human body
  • What food is necessary for our SKIN?
    Foods that are good for our skin include fruit, vegetables, nuts, cereals and oily fish.
  • What can tourists see and do in Yellowstone National Park?
    walk hiking trails,watching spectacular views and hear fascinating facts about wildlife. take photos
  • What do you know about Mona Lisa?
    The Mona Lisa attracts lots of tourist with her mysterious (мистириус) vanishing smile.
  • The most serious environmental problem?
    One of the most serious disasters is the earthquake which affects a lot of people.
  • What else you would like to add about Leonardo?
    was also a sculptor, a musician, a mathematician, a philosopher, an architect, a writer, and a geologist. He is still one of the most fascinating people.
  • What food is necessary for MUSCLES? 💪
    o build and repair muscles, we need protein. Foods like meat, fish and eggs contain protein
  • what sights would you recommend to see in Sochi?
    numerous parks and monuments and see beautiful architecture,Biosphere Reserve UNESCO Olympic Games
  • What food is necessary for the BRAIN?
    The brain needs green vegetables, oily fish, cereals, bread and pasta.
  • The mos serious social problem?
    diseases,Many people suffer from awful disease and spent time in hospitals. They can’t work or have fun with friends and family.
  • You have never been to Sochi, what you would like to visit?Why?
    I would like to visit it because I want to see the Michael Archangel Cathedral.
  • Healthy food and healthy eating habits?
    It’s very important to have healthy eating habits.Healthy food-reduce a lot of diseases
  • What charity events /foundations have you heard about?
    UK. The event is called “Red Nose Day”. It takes place every two years. Many people buy and wear red noses like clowns.
  • What are World problems?
    There are a lot of world Problems which can affect people's lives. We can divide (дивайд) them into 2 groups 1)social problems 2)environmental problems
  • What do you know about Old Faithful Geyser?
    it erupts every 90 minutes and sends water into the air.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci when and where he was born?
    He was born in a small village in Tuscany, Italy on 15th April 1452.
  • why is it a popular city with tourists?
    It's a resort city. Subtropical Climate. In summer-sandy beaches, winter-ski resort
  • What Da Vinci did?Where can you see his painting?
    studied painting in Florence. Only 15 of his finished paintings survive today