
Abeka 3rd Grade Health Quiz 5 Review

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  • What should you ALWAYS wear when you are in a small boat?
    Life vest
  • What is the key to safety?
    Being aware
  • When should you stay away from water?
    During electrical storms
  • What does this sign mean?
    To stop and look for cars before you cross the street
  • Where should you cross a street?
    At an intersection or crosswalk
  • Why should you not help an injured animal?
    It might not realize you are trying to help it and end up hurting you
  • What should you always wear when riding your bike?
    Your safety helmet
  • This plant usually grows as a vine and can irritate your skin
    poison oak
  • Why should you stay away from water during an electrical storm?
    Because of the danger of being struck by lightening
  • Name the guidelines for parking lot safety.
    1. Be aware of your surroundings 2. Never stay in the car alone 3. Lock the car doors
  • Knowing what is going on around you is being....
  • More accidents happen at ......... than anywhere else.
  • Which side of the car should you get in and out of?
    The side by the curb
  • A person walking on a sidewalk or along a street....
  • If you are home alone, what should you do to the doors?
    Lock them
  • Where is the safest place to go if there is a tornado warning? What are the other 2 safe places?
    Basement is safest, a closet or inner room with no windows would be next safest.
  • Who do you protect when you practive good safety habits?
    Yourself and others
  • What should you do if your home is on fire?
    Get out immediately!
  • What should you ALWAYS do when you leave the car?
    Lock the doors
  • What does this sign mean?
    Warns drivers to slow down because of danger ahead
  • When the sun is going down and it is beginning to get dark
  • This plant is a shurb or small tree that can irritate you skin
    Poison Sumac
  • What is the most common cause of serious injuries?
  • Where should you NEVER cross the street?
    Between parked cars
  • What does this sign mean?
    A round sign warns you that there is a railroad crossing ahead, a while 'railroad crossing' sign reminds you to watch for a train before you cross the tracks.
  • Is it safe to go swimming alone?
  • What does this sign mean?
    That you are in a school zone and to watch for children
  • This plant grows as a low, crawling shrub or as a climbing vine and can irritate your skin.
    Poison ivy
  • What should you do if you are on the computer, a smart phone, or tablet?
    Stay near an adult
  • If available, where should you walk?
    A sidewalk
  • True or false: It is safe to play with guns.
  • Why should you never cross a street between parked cars?
    Drivers cannot see you
  • What is the emergency number to call for help?
  • When playing sports like soccer, baseball, and football you should always wear......
    protective gear
  • Animal Safety includes.....
    1. Avoid animals that are not with their owners 2. Do not try to help an injured animal 3. Check any play areas for harmful insects
  • Where should you cross when you get off a bus?
    In front of it
  • Should you open the door to strangers?
    Never ever