
fashion discussion

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  • Men tend to age better than women
  • It´s better to buy cheap clothes that don´t last because then you can buy new ones more often.
  • Fashion designers design for the young, but the young often can´t afford them.
  • Only sheep follow fashion. Good dressers have their own style.
  • Young people don´t care about being warm and comfortable, they only want to look good.
  • Older people should be paid more than younger people because they have more experience
  • Fur coats should be banned.
  • You shouldn´t judge people by the way they dress
  • People who follow fashion are usually vain and selfish
  • The older people become, the less productive they are
    . <--->
  • The cultural gap between young and old people has widened considerably, and consequently they have much less in common nowadays than in the past
  • ¨Age and size are only numbers. It´s the attitude that makes a difference¨
  • My culture values the young more than the elderly.
  • The older people are, the less adventurous they are about what they wear
  • It is a fact that women can wear any clothes designed for men, but men can´t wear most clothes designed for women
  • Women, but not men, are always expected to dress smartly for work.
  • It´s very risky to buy clothes online
  • There´s a significant larger choice of clothes for women than for men.