
B1 Complete Prelim Unit 9 - unit 12

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  • Celia (past perfect of go) to play tennis when Marta phoned her
    had gone
  • Javi saw the footballers run onto the ________ at the start of the match
  • Wolves _____ ________ in Spain occasionally (see) - passive
    are seen
  • Kids _______ __________ to use phones in class (not allow)
    aren't allowed
  • Lucia hit the ball over the ____ and scored a point, when playing volleyball
  • possible - make negative with a prefix
  • When did you last have your eyes checked?
    I had my eyes checked 6 months ago...or similar
  • _______ the class started, Raul had still not arrived
  • Martina wanted to (go, play, do) swimming in her neighbour's pool
  • ______ a joke, the truth, a story
  • What is the noun form of improve
  • What is a wolf?
    Animal, like a dog, lobo
  • Elsa fell and hurt her chin. She has a small (cicatriz) there now
  • David Bowie, _____ songs inspired us for nearly 50 years, died in 2016.
  • Put into reported speech. "I am walking home now"
    She said she was walking home then.
  • name 2 sports that you 'play'
    football, volleyball, cricket, basketball
  • name 2 sports that you 'go'
    swimming, running, climbing, cycling
  • What is a dry cleaner's
    a place where they clean delicate clothes
  • Carmen received new clothes ________ it was her birthday
  • Hugo has brown hair. He loves English. JOIN
    Hugo, whose hair is brown, loves English
  • English ___ ________ at Hopscotch Academy (teach)
    is taught
  • What is the noun form of inform
  • Look! That's the woman ______ dog bit me last week.
  • Macbeth _____ ________ by Shakespeare
    was written
  • The passive takes the verb _____ and the past ______
    to be, participle
  • Noun form of entertain
  • The woman ____ lived here before us was a writer.
    who, that
  • Noun form of celebrate
  • Africa likes (going, playing, doing, practising) volleyball
  • Gill, _________ students are lovely, has been a teacher for many years
  • Which is your favourite meal?
    breakfast, lunch, dinner
  • That's the park _________ I learnt to ride a bike.
  • What is the difference between a 'dish' and a 'plate'
    dish - food like patatas bravas, plate - thing you eat off
  • T/F Camels carry water in a hump on their backs
    false (it's fat)
  • My mum is out right now, she ____ _______ her hair ______
    is having her hair cut
  • Indirect question: Where is the bank?
    Could you please explain where the bank is? or similar
  • Lucia loves her school, ________ she learns a lot of interesting things
  • What types of food are pulses
    lentils, chickpeas, beans
  • The Mona Lisa, _____ has been damaged several times, is now displayed behind glass.
  • Rice ____ ________ in China (grow)
    is grown
  • My bedroom is now green, I ______ it ____ last week
    had it painted
  • Madrid _____ Barcelona 2 - 0 in the match
  • What can you buy in a baker's
    bread, cakes
  • Alvaro had (dolor en el estómago) so he went to the doctor
    stomach ache (MUST pronounce correctly)
  • Name 2 sports that you 'do'
    athletics, karate, gymnastics
  • Noun form of explore
  • What is a desert?
    a dry hot place, sandy
  • Luis did not do well in the history test because he ________ (study) PAST PERFECT
    had not studied
  • negative (with a prefix) of friendly
  • Put into reported speech. "Stop working!"
    He shouted to stop working
  • Robert is in Gill's class. He is intelligent. JOIN
    Robert, who is in Gill's class, is intelligent
  • Put into reported speech. "Do you like pineapple?"
    He asked if/whether I liked pineapple
  • Can you sing _______ _______Pablo? (well, comparative
    better than
  • Indirect question: What is your name?
    Would you mind telling me what your name is? (or similar)
  • I (write) 100 words of a story when I noticed it was the wrong question (past perfect)
    had written
  • What is an ostrich
    a large bird, avestruz
  • complete - make negative with a prefix
  • Put into reported speech. Gill asked Pablo "Where is your school?"
    Gill asked Pablo where his school was.
  • Cristina ______ already _____ (past perfect go) to bed when her sister got home
    had already gone
  • What is a dessert?
    a pudding, something sweet, after a meal, postre
  • Noun form of pollute
  • Give an example of a dish
    salmorejo, lasagna
  • Silvia ________ never _______ (Past perfect, speak) to a native English speaker before she met Gill
    had never spoken
  • The sandwich _______ you made me for lunch was delicious.
    which, that
  • Noun form of invite
  • (past perfect) Pedro _______ (eat) his lunch before he arrived home from school
    had eaten
  • What is the noun form of entertain
  • Alvaro gets up ______ _______ his brother (early, comparative)
    earlier than
  • What is the noun form of celebrate
  • What do you call a person who makes food in a restuarant?
    a chef
  • Rob and Corinna, _______ have twins, often need a babysitter.
  • We all went to the match except Angela, _____ doesn't like football.
  • Put into reported speech. He shouted "Don't run in the classroom"
    He shouted not to run in the classroom
  • friendly - make negative with a prefix
  • Downing Street, _______ the British Prime Minister lives, is in central London.
  • Put into reported speech. She said "I love the summer"
    She said (that) she loved the summer
  • What does waste mean?
    don't use something carefully, desperdiciar, desaprovechar, desgastar
  • Who can run _______ (fast, superlative), Alba or Beatriz?
    the fastest
  • How many languages can you _______
  • negative (prefix) possible
  • On our last holiday we visited Stratford-upon-Avon, ______ Shakespeare was born.
  • Ana played basketball for 2 hours. Ana drank some water. JOIN with PAST PERFECT
    Ana had played basketball for 2 hours when she drank some water
  • What is the superlative adverb of badly
    the worst
  • _______ hello, good night, goodbye
  • My computer is a lot faster than the one _____ I used to have.
    which, that