
Freshwater Habitats Review

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  • At what stage do frogs grow lungs?
  • What is a wetland?
    A wetland is an area where water covers the soil, or is near the surface of the soil. This can be all year round or just sometimes.
  • What is the third stage of the frog's lifecycle?
  • What adaptations do raptors have? Name one.
    large sharp talons, sharp curved beaks, powerful wings, excellent eyesight
  • What bird is this?
    Great Blue Heron
  • What adaptations to wading birds have? Name one.
    long legs, big feet with long toes, long beaks for spearing fish, long necks
  • What adaptations to wading birds have? Name two.
    long legs, big feet with long toes, long beaks for spearing fish, long necks
  • What adaptations do raptors have? Name two.
    large sharp talons, sharp curved beaks, powerful wings, excellent eyesight
  • What bird is this?
    Common Loon
  • True or False: Water lilies grow in salt water and freshwater.
  • What bird is this?
  • What is soil erosion?
    When dirt is exposed to winds, rains, and flowing water and the soil is carried away.
  • What is the second stage of a frog's life cycle?
  • What are three types of freshwater bodies?
    lake, river, pond
  • What adaptations do swimming birds have? Name two.
    oily feathers to repel water, flat webbed feet for paddling, long necks
  • What adaptations do swimming birds have? Name one.
    oily feathers to repel water, flat webbed feet for paddling, long necks
  • Where can you find many of the wetland plants we learned about in Hungary?
    Near to Lake Balaton.
  • Is a loon a swimming bird, wading bird, or raptor?
    swimming bird
  • What is an adaptation?
    An adaptation is a physical or behavioral feature that helps an animal survive in its environment.
  • What is a habitat?
    The natural home of a plant, animal, or other organism.
  • Say 2 facts about the common reed.
    can grow up to 6 meters tall, can grow in damp soil or from underwater, strong and flexible, people use them to make things like baskets or even roofs of houses
  • What is a raptor?
    A bird that hunts from the air.
  • What tree is this?
    Poplar Tree
  • What is the first stage of a frog's life cycle?
  • How many ilfe stages does a frog have?
  • What bird is this?
  • True or False: A frog is an amphibian.
  • Why are plants important in wetlands?
    They help keep the land in place.
  • Name all the life stages of the frog in order.
    frogspawn, tadpole, froglet, frog.
  • Is a great blue heron a swimming bird, wading bird, or a raptor?
    wading bird
  • Is an osprey a swimming bird, wading bird, or a raptor?
  • What bird is this?
    Bald Eagle
  • What tree is this?
    Willow Tree
  • What is an amphibian?
    An animal that is adapted to live on land and in water.