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  • What is *the dangerous* sport?
    What is *the most dangerous* sport?
  • What is *the bad* picture of you?
    What is *the worst* picture of you?
  • What is *the good* picture of you?
    What is *the best* picture of you?
  • What is *the big* thing in your room?
    What is *the biggest* thing in this room?
  • What is *important* day of the year?
    What is *the most important* day of the year?
  • What is *the good* day of the week?
    What is *the best* day of the week?
  • What is *the old* place in your town?
    What is *the oldest* place in your town?
  • What is *the interesting* place to have a snack?
    What is *the most interesting* place to have a snack?
  • Who is *the interesting* person you know?
    Who is *the most interesting* person you know?
  • What is *the strange* name you know?
    What is *the strangest* name you know?
  • What is *the dangerous* animal?
    What is *the most dangerous* animal?
  • What was your *bad* subject at school?
    What was your *worst* subject at school?
  • Who is your *big* fan?
    Who is your *biggest* fan?
  • What is *the good* football team in the world?
    What is *the best* football team in the world?
  • What is *the good* time of the year?
    What is *the best* time of the year?
  • What is *the beautiful* place in your town?
    What is *the most beautiful* place in your town?
  • What is *the big* mountain in your country?
    What is *the biggest* mountain in your country?
  • Who was your *good* teacher?
    Who was your *best* teacher?
  • Who is *the old* person in your family?
    Who is *the oldest* person in your family?
  • Who is the young person in your family?
    Who is *the youngest* person in your family?
  • What is *the expensive* store in your town?
    What is *the most expensive* store in your town?
  • Who is *the nice* person in your family?
    Who is *the nicest* person in your family?
  • What was your *proud* moment?
    What was your *proudest* moment?
  • Who is *the beautiful* actor?
    Who is *the most beautiful* actor?
  • What is *the cool* car?
    What is *the coolest* car?
  • Who is *the good* singer in your country?
    Who is *the best* singer in your country?
  • What is *the funny* joke you know?
    What is *the funniest* joke you know?
  • What was *the happy* day of your life?
    What was *the happiest* day of your life?
  • Who was *the great* writer?
    Who was *the greatest* writer?
  • Who is your *good* friend?
    Who is your *best* friend?
  • Who was *the great* athlete?
    Who was *the greatest* athlete?
  • What is *the boring* movie you know?
    What is *the most boring* movie you know?
  • What is *the expensive* restaurant in your town?
    What is *the most expensive* restaurant in your town?
  • Where was your *good* vacation?
    Where was your *best* vacation?
  • What is *the strange* story you know?
    What is *the strangest* story you know?
  • Where can you buy *the fresh* food?
    Where can you buy *the freshest* food?
  • What is *the beautiful* thing in your home?
    What is *the most beautiful* thing in your home?