
Government Unit 1 Quiz 1 Review

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  • Which of the Five Functions of Government is focused on providing a variety of services, ranging from education to public transportation, which are paid for by tax dollars?
    Providing Services
  • Which power gives a government power to enforce laws and public policy?
    Executive Power
  • Which of the Five Functions of Government is focused on protecting the nation's people and territory from external threats?
    Ensuring National Security
  • Example of Ensuring National Security
    Use of military
  • Which of the Five Functions of Government is focused on maintaining internal order through police and the legal system?
    Maintain Order
  • Which social contract theorist believes in following the government’s rules, because people are terrible and need order maintained?
  • Which philosopher was one of the first students of Government?
  • Example of maintaining order
    Police pull someone over for speeding, intervention of National Guard or Police to calm rioters, etc.
  • Greece pioneered a democratic system of government. What does this mean for the people of Greece?
    They were able to participate in the government. Rule by the people.
  • Which power do governments have to determine the meaning of (interpret) laws and public policy and settle problems?
    Judicial Power
  • The things a government decides to do; laws, taxes, education, civil rights, etc.
    Public Policy
  • Example of resolving conflict
    A person takes someone to court to fix their issues.
  • Which social contract theorist believes in revolutions/overthrowing the government when it breaks the contract?
  • Which power gives a government the power to make laws and public policy?
    Legislative Power
  • What did Aristotle describe as the original reason Governments need to be put in place?
    To keep order
  • Hammurabi's Code used what approach to punish people for their wrongdoings?
    "Eye for an Eye"
  • Which theory of government states that the people enter into an agreement with the government to receive certain benefits?
    Social-Contract Theory
  • Which of the Five Functions of Government focuses on providing a means to resolve conflicts through politics and the legal system?
    Resolve Conflict
  • Which social contract theorist believes it is the government’s duty to protect the rights of the citizens?
  • Many Kings in Europe claimed they had the right to take an excessive amount of taxes from their people, because God chose them to lead, represents which theory of Government.
    Divine-Right Theory
  • Which social contract theorist believes in protection and security over anything?
  • The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies
  • Which of the Five Functions of Government focuses on making decisions and policies that attempt to balance the public good with the needs of smaller segments of the population?
    Providing for the Public Good
  • Which theory of Government would apply to a situation where a more powerful person overtook leadership of an area and implemented their own rules for society to follow?
    Force Theory
  • Example of Providing for the Public Good
    Social Security, welfare programs, food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.
  • Which theory of government comes from the idea of a head of a family leading a community and developing rules for others to follow?
    Evolutionary Theory
  • What term (or type of government) stemming from Rome, means that the people got to choose their leaders?