
Fur Trappers

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  • What was so important about the Hudson Bay Company?
    They controlled the fur trade in Canada and Oregon Country
  • Where could pioneers find information about Oregon Country?
    From traders
  • What types of items did fur trappers trade for?
    glass beads, cooking pots, muskets
  • What countries were Christian Missionaries sent to?
    China, Africa, America
  • What type of disease led to an epidemic amongst the Cayuse?
  • Where did the Whitmans build their mission?
    On the walla walla river with the Cayuse
  • What two animals were sought after for their furs?
    Beavers and Otters
  • Where did the Spaldings build their mission?
    On the Clearwater River with the Nez Perce
  • What was the first American trading post in the PNW?
    Pacific Fur Company
  • Who founded the first American trading post in the PNW?
    John Jacob Astor
  • What did Oregon settlers want to happen after the "Whitman Massacre"?
    They demanded protection from the US army
  • Why did Marcus and Narcissa agree to marry?
    To go on missions
  • What was different about Father Francis and Peter John de Smet?
    Francis spent his time with the Canadians, Peter spent his time with the Native Americans
  • What two countries signed a treaty giving them co-ownership of Oregon Country?
    U.S. and Britain
  • What kinds of disease did settlers bring with them that decimated the Native Population?
    Small pox, measles, influenza, malaria
  • What was the goal of Christian Missionaries?
    To teach people how to read the bible and live like Christians