
Winter Sports

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  • What is the first paragraph of a contrsucted response called? A) Introduction B) Conclusion C) Body
    A) Introduction
  • What is 2 X 10
  • Which lines from the poem rhyme?
    A) Down, down the hill how swift I go; Over the ice and over the snow
  • What color do blue and yellow make?
  • How should we start our conclusion?
    In conclusion
  • In line 1 the word swift means: A) Down B) Scary C) Fast D) Unsteady
    C) Fast
  • What is the speaker trying to say in lines 6 and 7?
    A) Don't worry, you will be at the top sledding again
  • The speaker most likely thinks sledding is: A) Okay B) Hard Work C) Exciting D) Scary
    C) Exciting
  • In a constructed response, we always restate the _____________
  • Which theme is explored in the poem?
    C) Love all activties life brings your way
  • What do the letters P.I.E. stand for in author's purpose?
    Persuade, inform, entertain