
Past Simple

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  • He ....... (be) happy.
  • You ....... (clean) the apartment.
  • robić zakupy
    do the shopping
  • Transform into question: He was worried about his mate.
    Was he worried about his friend?
  • Transform into negative: They woke up at 7.30 yesterday.
    They didn't wake up at 7.30 yesterday.
  • Transorm into negative: She understood the task.
    She didn't understand the task.
  • Mogę pożyczyć twoją książkę?
    Can I borrow your book, please?
  • Freda ....... (not/ have) a match last Thursday.
    didn't have
  • wyrzucić śmieci
    take out the rubbish
  • What is it?
    swimming pool
  • What is it?
    train station
  • Transform into negative: My friends went to the theatre last evening.
    My friends didn't go to the theatre last evening.
  • Siostra Jarka nie spotkała się ze swoim bratem w zeszłym tygodniu.
    Jarek's sister didn't meet her brotherlast week
  • opiekować się bratem
    look after your brother
  • Translate: policjant, pielęgniarka, rolnik.
    police officer, nurse, farmer.
  • wyprowadzić psa
    walk the dog
  • What is it?
    post office
  • A: Is it ok if I use your mobile? B: x
    No, sorry, it isn't.
  • My sister ....... (sleep) all night.
  • Your uncle ....... (not/ take) a bus to work.
    didn't take
  • What is it?
    shopping centre
  • Transform into question: George bought a car.
    Did George buy a car?
  • Mój kuzyn nie zapłacił za obiad w zeszły piątek.
    My cousin didn't pay for dinner last Friday.
  • Transform into negative: My mom sent me a letter.
    My mom didn't send me a letter.
  • Czy ty zbudowałeś to kino?
    Did you build this cinema?
  • Transform into question: Harry gave his friend a present.
    Did Harry give his friend a present?
  • Transform into question: My sisters found a treasure.
    Did my sisters find a treasure?
  • They ....... (cook) dinner after school.
  • Transform into negative: She was mad at me.
    She wasn't mad at me.
  • pozmywać naczynia
    wash the dishes
  • pościelić łóżko
    make your bed
  • Transform into negative: Megan walked to the park last Saturday.
    Megan didn't walk to the park last Saturday.
  • Kim i Fred nie zostali w domu wczoraj wieczorem.
    Kim and Fred didn't stay at home last evening.
  • Moja ciocia odwiedziła muzeum wczoraj.
    My aunt visited a museum yesterday.
  • A: Is it OK if I use your tablet? B: v
    Oh, all right./ Yes, that's fine.
  • Transform into question: My dogs were outside all day.
    Were my dogs outside all day?
  • What is it?
    sports centre
  • My firends ....... (be/not) at the party.
  • Translate: sprzedawca, artysta, szef kuchni
    shop assistant, artist, chef
  • She ........ (play) the guitar last night.
  • They ....... (make) their beds in the morning.
  • Transform into negative: We were at school.
    We weren't at school.
  • Oni wypili całą lemoniadę.
    They drank all of the lemonade.
  • What is it?
    police station
  • On zjadł czekoladowy tort.
    He ate a chocolate cake.