
Newton Disk

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  • What's the Newton's Disk?
    A physics experiment using a disk with different colours. 
  • What does the Newton’s discovery proves?
    Light is not colourless
  • How many colours does a Newton Disk contain ?
    The Newton Disk has 7 colors
  • What colors are on the Newton's Disk?
    The rainbow colors - red, yellow, orange, green, blue, indigo and violet
  • What does the Newton's Disk do?
    When the colour disk is rotated all the colours turn to white.
  • What does the Newton's Disk explain?
    Newton's disk demonstrate that white light is a combination of the rainbow colors.
  • How was it discovered?
    Newton slowed down the white light with a prism showing the colors composition (the oposite can create a white light illusion)