
Social Communication Questions

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  • Why should you not interrupt people when they're talking?
    They may think you're rude and dont care about what they were saying.
  • You're walking in your neighborhood and you see the cutest puppy you've ever seen. True or false: It is okay to pet the dog without asking the owner first.
    Some pets may not be welcoming to strangers. They might get out of hand and harm you, or give their owners a hard time in getting them back in control.
  • If you borrow something why should you return it in the same or better condition?
    Because you want to show that person respect and also that you appreciate them for letting you borrow their stuff.
  • Why should you not take your shoes off in public?
    Even if you're a clean person, your feet will have an odor when walking, and while it might not mean much to you, it may make other people uncomfortable.
  • You're walking in your neighborhood and you see the cutest puppy you've ever seen. True or false: It is okay to pet the dog without asking the owner first.
    Some parts may not be welcoming to strangers. They might get out of hand and harm you, or give their owners a hard time in getting them back in control.
  • Why should face the door when standing in the elevator?
    Entering the elevator and staring into the face of someone else can be uncomfortable, awkward, and even creepy
  • Two of your friends are huddled together whispering and you wanted to ask if they can hangout after school. What do you do?
    Wait until they are done talking. Obviously its something important since they dont want others to hear. You can also kindly ask "is it okay if I interrupt"
  • Why is making eye contact with whoever you're speaking to important when talking?
    Because it shows that you're giving them your undivided attention, shows that you care about what they're saying.
  • Why should you leave your location cleaner than how you found it?
    We have to respect others and consider that if we dont clean up, someone else may have to do it for us.
  • You're having a birthday party. Your mom said you can only invite two friends. Your two friends are talking in a group of people. What do you do?
    If you don’t want someone invited in your plans, don’t discuss them while they can hear you. They may feel left out. You can wait till your friends are alone.
  • Why shouldn't you be in the same location as someone who is doing something you know is wrong?
    People may think you were taking part in it. You may get in trouble too.
  • Why shouldn't you throw something when you're upset?
    You ay break something, you may regret it later, you may hurt someone.
  • Your friend has a huge pimple on her forehead. She asks you if it's noticeable. How can you respond in a helpful way? What would be an example of a "hurtful" response?
    Helpful-i can see it, but im sure it'll go away soon. Hurtful-that is the biggest pimple i've ever seen. you can probably see it from space.
  • You're walking in your neighborhood and you see the cutest puppy you've ever seen. True or false: It is okay to pet the dog without asking the owner first.
    Some parts may not be welcoming to strangers. They might get out of hand and harm you, or give their owners a hard time in getting them back in control.
  • Why shouldn't you tell your friends what to do all the time?
    They may think youre bossy and they may not want to hangout with you as much.
  • You are on the phone arguing with a friend in the library. What should you do?
    Move outside so you dont distract others. Respect that people may need peace and quiet.
  • Give an example of how you can end a conversation.
    "It was nice talking to you." " I have to go to class but maybe ill see you lunch"
  • Why should you hold the door open for others?
    Because its polite. People may think you are rude if you don't do it.
  • What do you do if you go shopping and you forget your money?
    Go back home to get your money and ask the cashier if she can hold on to your item until you return.
  • You are over at someone’s house and they say, “I have a lot of work tomorrow” or “It’s getting late.” What are they trying to tell you?
    This is your cue to leave. They are trying to give you a hint that they have things to do and they can no longer hangout.