
CPE Speaking Challenge (Objective Proficiency (U ...

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  • What do you expect to have achieved before considering yourself successful? (+In a nutshell / +On the brink of / +Speaking personally)
  • Think of an experience that exceeded your expectations (+On the whole / +Beyond all expectations / +Such as)
  • Which single change would most improve your quality of life, be it at home, school or in your city? (+The way I see it / +To some extent / +Not only)
  • How would you feel about a round-the-world trip? (+be ambivalent about / +throw caution to the wind / +suffice (it) to say)
  • How large an impact does the weather have on your mood?
  • How important is it to you to do well academically? (+can't help but / +as far as...concerned / + Were I to)
  • What may/will have changed in your life by this time next year? (+One thing that comes to mind / +Conversely / +Needless to say)
  • Do you have much opportunity to travel? What would be your must-see places? (+Intrepid [traveller] / +(not) too inveterate a traveller / +Hopefully)
  • What are your expectations of a job (and implicitly, salary)?
  • What would your priorities be if you were bringing up children? (+What is more / +on the verge / +on behalf of)
  • What jobs are most likely to be in high demand by the end of the century?
  • Think of an experience that failed to live up to your expectations. (+To each their own / + have no option but to / + I found it subpar)
  • How do you feel about the idea of one day becoming an entrepreneur? (+with regards to / +at the expense of / +if need be)
  • What's the longest time you've ever spent learning something? (+I don't know about you, but / +By way of an example / +For the most part))
  • What is likely to get your goat? (think of some things you find particularly infuriating)
  • What jobs are most likely to have become obsolete by the end of the century? (+Thus / +Albeit / +If one were to consider)
  • Think of something you have never done that you would like to? (+I'm in two minds about / +By and large / +Albeit)
  • When it comes to making decisions, what's the hardest decision you've had to make? (+In hindsight / +As a result / +Nevertheless)
  • To what extent do you think people's characters are influenced by where they live and the climate and weather they are used to?
  • Think of a change that your life/city/country has undergone recently and the impact it has had on you. (+Off the top of my head / +On second thoughts / +it goes without saying)