
G2 Writing Unit 2 ch 3 & 4

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  • These two girls are _______. They both want to beat the other!
    rivals (or opponents)
  • What is a sprain?
    A sprain is when you twist a joint and get injured.
  • What is the penalty is Jenna Tr. takes away all the hearts on the board?
    The penalty is no play time.
  • What's this on his arm?
    It's a cast.
  • Tell me, who beat who?
    The home team beat the guest team.
  • What is Spongebob doing?
    He is training!
  • What happened to him?
    He got injured! He injured himself!
  • What does it mean 'to recover'?
    To recover means to get better and feel better after you were hurt!
  • What does it mean 'to substitute'?
    To substitute means to use something or someone else when you can't use the one you want.
  • What do we call it when you get better?
    You improve.
  • What is a match? When does a match end?
    A match is one game between two people/teams. A match ends when the time runs out or one players gets all the points.
  • Which team wins?
    The home team won.
  • What's that on her arm?
    It's a bruise!
  • What do we call it when the match ends and both teams have the same points?
    It's a tie.
  • What are these?
    They're crutches.
  • What do we call the parts of your body that bend?
    They are joints.
  • What does it mean 'to treat' someone?
    To treat someone is to take care of them and help them get better when they are sick.
  • What is a tournament?
    A tournament is when there are many matches of a game between many teams. The winning team is the best team of all.
  • What is a penalty?
    A penalty is a punishment that will happen if you break the rules.
  • These two people are _______ in fencing.
    opponents (or rivals)
  • Which team loses?
    The guest team lost.