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  • What time _______ he brush _______ teeth?
    does / his
  • She _______ to bed _______ eight ______.
    goes / at/ o'clock
  • What ____ _____ you get up?
    time do
  • What time ____ she ____ TV? She _____ TV _____ four o'clock.
    does / watch / watches / at
  • Name this action
    Eat dinner
  • _______ _______ do you ______ breakfast?
    What time / eat
  • What time _______ you _______ home?
    do / come
  • What time does _______ brush _______ teeth?
    she / her
  • She ________ _______ teeth at ______ past six.
    brushes her / half
  • Name this action
    get up
  • I _________ _________ teeth _______ seven o'clock
    brush my / at
  • He ______ TV ____ _____ past five.
    watches / at half
  • He ________ home ______ ______ past one
    comes / at half
  • Name this action
    Go to school
  • What time does he go to school? He ___ to school ____ seven o'clock
    goes / at