
Review 4th ESO

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  • Make 5 different questions to different classmates using different verb tenses
  • Name at least 3 words related to advertising
    Appear, broadcast, claim, convince, exaggerate, inform, promote, recommend, appeal, advertise
  • Create 6 different sentences (2 affirmative, 2 negative and 2 interrogative) using the reported speech
    Many answers are possible!
  • Complete the sentences in passive and wih the correct verb tense: 1. The new shopping center (build) by the construction company next year, 2. A lot of tea (drink) every year, 3. My sister's book (steal) yesterday
    1. will be built, 2. is drunk, 3. was stolen
  • Make a brief presentation about yourself using the vocabulary about personal qualities
    Many answers are possible!
  • Rewrite the following sentences into the reported speech: 1. Tom: How many times have you visited France?, 2. Lucas: Do they enjoy reading books?, 3. Nathan: How much did the tickets cost?, 4. Liam: Is Pepe your best friend?
    1. ... how many times I had visited France, 2. ... if they enjoyed reading books, 3. .. how much the tickets had cost, 4. if Pepe was my best friend
  • Name at least 3 verbs related to technology
    Swipe, update, charge, browse, scroll, text, press, plug, switch, tap
  • Mime and, then, name 5 different aches and pains
  • Rewrite the following sentences into the reported speech: 1. Tom: I have been to the zoo many times, 2. Lucas: We like pizza, 3. Nathan: You can leave early today, 4. Liam: My mum put the books in my table
    1. .. he had been to the zoo many times, 2. .. they liked pizza, 3. .. you could leave early that day, 4. .. his mum had put the books in his table
  • Mime and, then, name 5 different phrasal verbs
    Calm down, slow down, cheer up, open up, face up to, cut down on, .....
  • Create 3 different sentences with 3 different modal verbs
    Be able to, ought, to, must, can, have to
  • Create 6 different sentences (3 affirmative and 3 negative) using the 1st, 2nd and 3rd conditional and the following verb tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect and future
    Many answers are possible!
  • Create 3 different sentences (one affirmative, one negative and one interrogative) using present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
    Many answers are possible!
  • Create 3 different sentences (one affirmative, one negative and one interrogative) using present perfect simple, past simple and past perfect simple
    Many answers are possible!
  • Create 3 different sentences (one affirmative, one negative and one interrogative) using past simple, past continuous and used to
    Many answers are possible!
  • Name at least 3 words related to shops, shopping and supermarkets
    Refund, supplier, supply, purchase, select, bargain, aisle, checkout, counter, goods, packaging, self-service, counter, low-priced, long-term
  • Mime and, then, name, 5 different personality adjectives
    Supportive, truthful, dependable, sensible, outgoing, dedicated, optimistic, kind, sympathetic, enthusiastic
  • Complete with past simple or present perfect: We (join) a gym last month and we (start) already to feel much fitter. I (do) aerobics three times a week for the last three weeks. Jane also (go) to the aerobics classes, but she (like) it
    Joined / we have already started / I have done / went / didn't like
  • Name at least 3 reporting verbs
    Deny, add, recommend, agree, disagree, complain, suggest, tell