
Easter Quiz

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  • What is the name of the holiday that celebrates Jesus' resurrection?
  • If Jesus died on the cross, how could any of those promises of the kingdom of heaven come true?
    Jesus died on the cross, but He has risen from the dead! He defeated sin and death.
  • Why did the Pharisees and Sadducees accuse Jesus of blasphemy?
    The Pharisees and Sadducees accused Jesus of saying He was God.
  • Who turned against Jesus and helped the Pharisees and Sadducees arrest him?
  • Continue to sing: Yes, Jesus loves me? ...
  • What did the people shout when Jesus came into Jerusalem?
    Hosanna, Hosanna. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
  • How was Jesus' body 'protected' after he was buried?
    A big rock was rolled in front of the cave where Jesus was buried and guards were stationed outside.
  • What was the 3rd miracle mentioned in the story?
    Jesus raised a little girl who had died back to life.
  • What did the miracle of feeding the thousands of people show about the kingdom of God?
    In the kingdom of God, there is more than enough - abundance.
  • What does "Hosanna" mean?
    'Hosanna' is an expression of adoration, praise, and/ or joy.
  • What is the most important moment in the entire history of the world?
    When God loved the world so much that it gave us His one and only Son.
  • What are miracles?
    Miracles are signs that show people how powerful Jesus is.
  • What did the miracle of healing the sick girl show about the kingdom of God?
    In the kingdom of God, there is no sickness or death.
  • Why did Jesus have to die?
    Jesus died to save us from sin.
  • How did Jesus fix the problem of sin?
    By dying on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins. Yours, mine, everyone's!
  • What is the meaining of 'hallelujah'?
    It is an expression of worship and rejoicing.
  • What happened on Sunday morning, the third day after Jesus' burial?
    An earthquake shook the ground, an angel appeared, and Jesus rose from the dead.
  • What did Jesus say while He was dying on the cross?
    Jesus said, "Father, forgive them. They don't know what they are doing."
  • What is the New Covenant in Jesus Christ?
    God promises salvation from sin and eternal life if we believe in Jesus Christ.
  • What did Jesus promise about the Kingdom of God?
    Jesus promised that in the Kingdom of God, there will be no sin or sadness or sickness or death.
  • What did the people do when Jesus rode into the city on a donkey?
    They waved palm branches and laid them down in front of Jesus - a way of honouring Jesus, like a parade for a King.
  • Why is Jesus' resurrection important?
     It is important because it shows that Jesus is the Son of God and that He has the power to defeat death so that we have the hope of eternal life.
  • What did the Roman guard standing nearby say after Jesus died?
    The Roman guard standing nearby said, "This man must have been the son of God."
  • When is the day Jesus was nailed to the cross, and which day was Jesus resurrected?
    Friday, Sunday
  • What did Jesus tell his disciples before he left?
    Jesus told his disciples that he would send them a helper who would fill them with the power of God to do amazing things.
  • What did the miracle of calming the storm show about the kingdom of God?
    In the kingdom of God, we have nothing to fear.
  • How did Jesus feed thousands of people? 
    with five loaves of bread and two fish
  • What is the first miracle mentioned in the story?
    Jesus spoke to the storm and it obeyed Him.
  • Sing a song with the word 'Jesus' or 'Bible' in it.
  • What is 'Good Friday' and 'Easter Sunday'?
    Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday. Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday.
  • What is a convenant?
    It is a promise. God promises to bless His people.
  • What is blasphemy?
    Blasphemy is when someone says untrue things about God.
  • Who did the Pharisees and Sadducees take Jesus to after accusing Him?
    To the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate.
  • Who weren't excited about the miracles Jesus was doing?
    The religious leaders, the Pharisees and Sadducees.
  • What did Jesus do during the Passover meal that surprised his disciples?
    Jesus got up and washed His disciple's feet to show them what it really means to love and serve others.
  •  What did Jesus do after His resurrection?
    Jesus appeared to His friends and disciples. He told them the great news that death has no power in God's kingdom.
  • What is sin?
    Sin is when we ignore and disobey God, and go our own way.