
Get to know game

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  • Who would you take with you to a stranded island?
  • Would you rather have to wear the same clothes forever but being able to shower or never take showers again but wear new clothes?
  • If you could choose one living or dead person to have dinner with, who would it be?
  • Who is your biggest inspiration?
  • What superhero would you like to be ?
  • Would you rather be rich or famous?
  • Would you rather play a World Cup or win an Oscar ?
  • Would you rather give up social media or never be able to play video games again?
  • Would you rather be a billionaire and unhappy or be happy and poor?
  • What makes you laugh the most?
  • Who is your favorite singer?
  • Would you rather study math or portuguese for the rest of your life?
  • If you could only eat the same food every day, what would it be ?
  • Would you rather be stranded on an Island or in the mountains?
  • What is your favorite season ?
  • What is your favorite holiday?
  • Would you rather watch series or movies?
  • Who is your favorite family member?
  • Would you rather play minecraft or roblox?
  • Would you rather have a car or a motorcycle?
  • What was the best day of your life ?
  • Would you rather travel to the past or to the future ?