
Crime & Punishment

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  • Four teenagers are arrested for armed robbery following a dramatic 48 hour hostage situation while they held ..... a bank in North Carolina this weekend.
  • The burglars ........... - ......... their house while the family were away on holiday.
    broke into
  • CCTV cameras and bicycle locks are good crime ........ measures
  • An educational programme has been introduced in schools and universities in order to raise awareness about ............ crimes. The workshops will focus on race, religion and gender inequality and how to prevent problems in the future.
  • As soon as she stole the diamonds she made ...... the nearest airport.
  • Police are appealing for members of the public to come ........... with information about the crime.
  • When her photo appeared on the evening news the thief decided to go to the police station and ........ himself ........
    turn - in
  • A punishment for a petty crime might be a ......... The criminal must pay some money to the court.
  • Crimes which are considered to be less serious, such as, pick-pocketing, vandalism and speeding are called ........... crimes.
  • Local authorities are concerned about the significant rise in .......... crime involving young people between 12-16 years old.
  • A police detective collects clues and evidence in order to .......... a crime and catch the person/people responsible
  • A ........... is a group of citizens who are selected to decide a verdict by examining the evidence in a court.
  • The judge rules 10 years .................. for the criminals responsible for armed robbery.
  • Police prevented people from entering the crime ............ while they collected evidence.
  • Last summer's crime ............ saw a dramatic 67% increase in burglary in the local area.
  • The process which takes place in a court, in which a crime is discussed and a guilty/not guilty verdict is reached is called a ...........
  • Groups such as the Mafia are well known for their involvement in ................ - .............
    organised crime
  • At the trial for the murder the ................. claimed that he was innocent.
  • The police never caught the hacker. He got ......... with the crime.
  • An elderly man is in hospital fighting for his life after two hooligans beat him ....... last Saturday night.
  • Forensic scientists examine evidence in a .......... - ........... while police look for more clues.
    crime lab
  • The final decision at the end of a criminal trial is called the ................ This will decide if the accused is guilty or not guilty.
  • They caught the shoplifters but in the end they were let ....... with a warning.
  • 1 year after the government's controversial scheme Crime Prevent , we are yet to see any significant difference in the crime ........ of the inner city.