
5th grade biology

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  • What are two examples of types of organisms?
  • Name three examples of flowing waters
    Streams, rivers and canals
  • How does sunlight impact water temperature?
    Sunlight causes water to have a higher temperature. The high temperature means that photosynthesis happens faster therefore organisms grow faster
  • What is a microorganism?
    They are very small organisms whose body consists of a single cell or group of cells
  • What is standing water?
    Standing water has only a small a small inflow and outflow of water.
  • Three points about beavers
  • Give three examples of freshwater bodies
    Lakes, ponds,rivers, streams, glaciers, wetlands
  • What is an organism?
    An organism is any living thing
  • How does ice on the surface of the water impact impact fish and other aquatic animals in winter?
    The ice on the surface of water in winter acts as a thermal layer. It protects fish and other aquatic animals from freezing in winter.
  • What is one characteristic of plants that grow in fast flowing waters?
    The plants in flowing waters have smaller growth and strong stems
  • What do plants need to carry out photosynthesis?
    Carbon dioxide
  • Does polluted water contain a high amount of oxygen?
    No, there is little oxygen
  • Why are plants in the water helpful to animals in the water?
    Provides water and shore animals with oxygen, food and shelter
  • Where are muskrats from?
    They are imported from North America
  • What do otters eat?
    Carnivores. They eat invertebrates like crayfish and insects and small vertebrates like fish
  • What does the word "artificial" mean?
    Made or produced by human beings