
Berliner Mauer

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  • The last fatal shooting happened 1989. True or false?
  • What did President Kennedy say when he visited?
    Ich bin ein Berliner.
  • What was the name of the secret police in the GDR?
  • How high was the Wall?
    Up to 4 metres.
  • How many people emigrated from the GDR to the West from 1949 until 1961?
    About 3 million.
  • Why was West Berlin called an "island"?
    It was sitting in the GDR like an island and surrounded by the Wall.
  • What was the main issue with the Wall?
    It separated families, people didn't have the freedom to travel.
  • Who was the leader of the GDR when the wall fell?
    Erich Honecker
  • How many people lost their lives at the Berlin Wall? 50, 140, 220, 290
  • Who was the GDR leader when the wall was built?
    Walter Ulbricht
  • How long was the Berlin Wall?
    About 180 km.
  • Why didn't the girl flee the GDR hiding in a VW Beetle?
    Because the petrol leaked onto her and burnt her neck.
  • Why was the Wall build in the first place?
    To keep the people in the GDR.
  • When was the Berlin Wall built?
    August 1961
  • Name the four allies who shared Germany after WW II
    Britain, USA, France and Soviet Union
  • Were the people of the GDR aware of the plans to build a wall?
  • Name the singer who was singing at the Berlin Wall when it came down.
    David Hasselhoff
  • What did Walter Ulbricht say shortly before the wall was build?
    That there were no intentions to build a wall.
  • When did the Berlin Wall fall?
  • What is the spacious part of the wall called where the guards can shoot?
    Death Strip
  • Why didn't the allies prevent the building of the Wall?
    The Wall wasn't on their territory.
  • Name four ways people escaped?
    Tunnel, jumping from houses, hijacking a military vehicle driving it into the wall, jumping onto an underground train, fixing two ladders together