
Past Simple questions

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  • I / did / eat / breakfast?
    Did I eat breakfast?
  • your friends / walk to school / this morning/ did?
    Did your friends walk to school this morning?
  • cook/ Mom/ dinner/ yesterday/did?
    Did Mom cook dinner yesterday?
  • did / visit your cousins / you/ last week?
    Did you visit your cousins last week?
  • Dad/clean/ did/the windows?
    Did Dad clean the windows?
  • you / Did / wash / yesterday? / your hair
    Did you wash your hair yesterday?
  • play / on Saturday? / in the park / your friends / Did
    Did your friends play in the park on Saturday?
  • did/ have fun/ at the party/ you?
    Did you have fun at the party?
  • wash / your hair/ did/ you ?
    Did you wash your hair?
  • didn't/ go to the park/ they / yesterday
    They didn't go to the park yesterday.
  • like the film/ Sally / did/ ?
    Did Sally like the film?
  • jump/Grandpa/did/in the living room?
    Did Grandpa jump in the living room?
  • Polly and Heidi / did /go to school?
    Did Polly and Heidi go to school?
  • Mom/the guitar/did/play?
    Did Mom play the guitar?
  • the windows / Did / on Sunday? / your dad / clean
    Did your Dad clean the windows on Saturday?
  • he/ climb/ didn't/a tree
    He didn't climb a tree
  • on Friday/ visit/ did /your grandma?
    Did your grandma visit on Friday?