
Genetics revision

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  • Which of these strucures is not found in the operon structure?
    CAP site
  • What type and how many cells are produced in meiosis?
    four diploid cells
    Four haploid cells
    two haploid cells
    two diploid cells
  • Which mutation of these mutations can create a very big change in the final protein produced?
    All of these
  • Which of these genetic disorders can have a positive effect in certain environments?
    Sickle-cell anemia
    Down syndrome
  • Which of the following mutations will likely have the smallest effect on an organism?
    Gene insertion
    Gene substitution
    Chromosomal duplication
    Gene deletion
  • Which is true regarding meiosis and mitosis?
    Gametes are produced by mitosis.
    In the anaphase, chromosomes are arranged in the equator.
    In meiosis, chromosomes crossover and exchange material.
    Meiosis only has one phase.
  • Which structure is required for the lac operon?
    CAP site
    All of these.
  • In which phases do the spindle fibers form during meiosis?
    Proshpase I
    Metaphase I and II
    Metaphase II
    Prophase I and II
  • Which of the following is an example of a positive mutation for the affected species?
    Antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
    Down syndrome
  • What are the symptoms of the inherited disorder, hemophilia?
    Abnormal redblood cell shape.
    Stunted/slowed limb growth.
    Inability to distinguish between red and green.
    Blood that is unable to clot after injury.
  • Brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes. Assuming two heterozygous individuals are crossed together, what phenotype ratio would we expect from the offspring?
    75% brown, 25% blue
    75% blue, 25% brown
    50% brown, 50% blue
    100% brown
  • What best describes the mutation in the picture?
    Substitution, nonsense.
    Substitution, silent.
    Insertion, frameshift.
    Substitution, missense.
  • Which of the following are frameshift mutations?
    Substitutions and deletions
    Deletions and insertions
  • How many cells and what type are produced in Meiosis phase I?
    Two genetically different haploid cells.
    Two genetically identical diploid cells.
    Two genetically different diploid cells.
    Two genetically identical haploid cells.
  • Diabetes has been found to be inherited (in some cases) through a recessive allele. What is the chance that a heterozygous father and a diabetic mother will have a diabetic child?
  • Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces:
  • The point where RNA polymerase binds and transcription takes place is in which part of the lac operon?
    CAP site
  • What happens during a silent mutation?
    An amino acid is changed.
    No amino acids are changed.
    A stop codon is produced.
    All amino acids are changed after that mutation.
  • When does a nonsense mutation occurs?
    When a mutation produces a premature stop codon.
    When a mutation produces a frameshift mutation.
    When a mutation produces no visible effect.
    When a protein is changed by a mutation.
  • Four' o' clock flowers come in three colours: Red, white (homozygous) and pink (heterozygous). What type of inheritance is this?
    Multiple alleles
    Polygenic inheritance
    Incomplete dominance
  • A male with the AB bloodtype is crossed with a female of a O bloodtype, what are the potential phenotypes of the offspring?
    Bloodtypes AB, OO
    Bloodtypes A and B.
    Bloodtypes AO and BO
    Bloodtypes AB, A, B, and O
  • A point mutation occurs when...
    A single base is changed?
    A small piece of chromosome is changed.
    When a insertion occurs.
    When a frameshift mutation occurs.
  • What is the function of the lac operon?
    It is responsible for produced glucose digesting enzymes.
    It is responsible for producing lactose digesting enzymes.
    None of these options.
    it is responsible for producing lactose.
  • What ratio of the offspring will be carriers given a homozygous dominant and a heterozygous parent?
  • What is the correct definition of inheritance?
    The phenotypes of offspring.
    The phenotypes of parant generations.
    The traits of each generation.
    The passing down of traits from parent to offspring.
  • In fruit flies, red eyes are dominant to white eyes. If a homozygous dominant fly is crossed with a homozygous recessive fly, what percentage of the offspring would have white eyes?
  • What type of mutation causes down syndrome?
    Non-disjunction in chromosome 21.
    Non-disjunction in chromosome 23.
    A point mutation in chromosome 21.
    An extra Y chromosome.
  • The picture attached is an example of what kind of inheritance?
    Multiple alleles
    Incomplete dominance
    Polygenic inheritance
  • Under what conditions is the lactose digesting enzyme produced in a species with the lac operon?
    Glucose present, lactose absent.
    Glucose absent, lactose present.
    Glucose present, lactose present.
    Glucose absent, lactose absent.
  • A male with an extra X chromosome has what genetic condition?
    Jacobs syndrome
    Down syndrome
    Turners syndrome
    Klinefelters syndrome
  • Which of the following mutations will have the largest effect on an organism?
    gene deletion
    Gene substitution
    Non-disjunction of a chromosome pair
    Chromosomal duplication
  • When does non-disjunction of chromosomes occur regarding chromosome disorders?
    Cell growth
    The cell cycle
  • In which scenario is a 4x4 punnet square needed?
    Monohybrid cross
    Sex-linked cross
    Dihybrid cross
    Polygenic cross
  • A gene that is found on the X chromosome is a...
    Mendellian trait
    Dominant trait
    Recessive trait
    Sex-linked gene
  • Which of the following is an example of a neutal mutation for the affected species?
    HIV resistance in humans
  • Red-green colour blindness is sex-linked reccessive. A carrier female is crossed with a normal male, what percentage of offspring will have colour blindness?